

Holidays teach our young students that the year holds milestones to look forward to and that seasons have different reasons to celebrate; We teach the Historical significance behind each holiday as well.

On St. Valentine's Day we celebrate by making focusing on celebrating friendship during the month of February. February 14th is the day we pass out friendship cards and throw a pizza party.

On St. Patric's Day we celebrate Irish culture & teach the significance of how beliefs are spread from region to region, as St. Patric once had.
St. Patric's

Following our theme on Friendship, February is also Black History Month. We appreciate people of color involved in civil rights, innovation and leadership by teaching thier history, covering a different Icon every day of the month.
Black History

The easter bunny comes to Sunshine to lead us in the Easter Egg Hunt. We teach Spring's symbolism of being the season of renewal during the month of April. "April showers bring May flowers!"
We celebrate Mexican culture in May. We learn about Mexico's independence from France, cultural cuisine and dance.

Cinco De Mayo

Every Child is Celebrated on their birthday, as it is a Holiday! They're adorned the Birthday Crown in the morning to wear throughout the day and they're treated to a cake after lunch.
We dress up, put on a parade and pass out candy on Halloween.


We hold a feast, dress up, put on a parade with a musical number and celebrate everything we're thankful for.
On the last week of December,Santa stops by to spread holiday cheer and passes out gifts to every student at Sunshine. Every child has an opportunity to sit on Santa's lap.